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At Plantaciones La Paz, we have a 5000-hectare area under cultivation, where we grow part of the essential fruit for oil extraction in our extraction plant.

Our Processes

Our main processes, which encompass production, maintenance, and health, are: harvesting, pre-nursery, nursery, fertilization, planting, pruning, weed control, plant health, and pest and disease control. We carry out all these processes ensuring appropriate treatment both socially and environmentally.


Cutting of ripe bunches, detaching, collecting loose bunches and fruits on a trailer or wheelbarrow, loading of bunches.


Location or area where germinated palm seeds are placed in 1 kg bags, irrigation and fertilization tasks are carried out; the seedling remains here for 80 to 90 days. Then they are transferred to the nursery.


Area arranged for the initial growth of the plant. Plants are planted in 25-kilo bags. Irrigation, fertilization, maintenance of the streets, and bags are carried out. The best plants are selected to be taken to the planting site.


1. Detaching: Cutting flush or in a “V” shape of the peduncle of the bunch.
2. Encallar: Cutting the palm leaves into 2 or several fragments and placing them in the palm row or waste bin.